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Inmate Programs Are for Women Too!

I would love for our Graves County inmates to be a part of this amazing program taking place in McCracken County! This is a great opportunity to help our own County's inmates to gain job skills to use upon their release from incarceration...which will contribute to our community's workforce in the long run. Calloway and Marshall County Jails are already participating in programming with McCracken County Jail and WKCTC. Graves County has already been invited to be a part of this program. I have spoken with the Programs Coordinator in McCracken County, and he is excited for us to be on board!! Very exciting possibilities ahead!!

Originally posted by Phoenix Project (McCracken County Jail) on 6/16/22:

Air conditioned classroom instructions have given way to hands on training in the brutal heat. These ladies are the very first class to use the brand new building/training aid donated by Graceland Portable Buildings, to the Phoenix Project Vocational Training program at MCCRACKEN County Jail. Thanks to a Department of Labor grant through Delta Regional Authority and in partnership with WKCTC, these and many others will have an opportunity to pursue a career path in future classes.[0]=AZUi3EWRALKPoAHVIK0loXsc2PqemutzgdI8Tlly3VOV1A0675DamqkQLQjCKIpxpuXS_bacTi-OjTLZCMULj6X7OfzcRf1AJyWNV0nds-8VCPiBpL-9uv-57CcsSpBFxile2oCs6Hb4DlzDQ8_DmCrEC3k7UwtbIKZjVtPD1qGJpg&__tn__=EH-R

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